tuka topik.. (mmg suke tuka2 topik tibe2..lagi2 kalo tgh berborak..selalu org x paham..hahah)..nothing much..cuma nak kongsi my sort of ways of gaining back self-esteem whenever i feel low...mungkin sesetengah org hilangkan stess dgn makan,bercerita dgn org, dan seumpamanya...but as for me ,it is really amaaazing how words and beautiful quotes can simply make my day better...so,bile rase x motivated,rase otak terawang-awang,i just search for motivated words and bace ulang2..kalo dulu siap tules besar2 tampal kat dinding,sebut ulang2 sampai 'jishin'(self-confidence) tu dtg balik...
so just wanna share what i found from one of the iphone app store here...hoping that it will help sesiape yg merase ape yg saya rasa..=P
dewa dewa...semoga weekends anda semua indah...
Suke quotes tu la.. :)
saya pon suke jugak..kalo ade quotes best2 share la yek..
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